Camaraderie in the Hottest Place On Earth: Dardi Troen
We awoke at 4:30 am to drive from Mekele to the Danakil. Along the way, our head lights periodically illuminated short lines …
We awoke at 4:30 am to drive from Mekele to the Danakil. Along the way, our head lights periodically illuminated short lines …
On the outskirts of Debre Zeit, we made one in a series of Prints for Prints stops, this time mid-afternoon, with the …
The moment I boarded the plane headed for Ethiopia I knew my life was about to change. Nervous and excited, I looked …
We had so much fun in Ethiopia last year, so we decided to return for a second Prints For Prints workshop! This …
After the ‘official’ Prints for Prints workshop wrapped up in Bahir Dar, our team split up for some more exploring. Steve Bloch …
What a trip! So much to take in, so much to process! While I knew the Prints for Prints project would touch …
Our first Prints For Prints project was quite the ride! Having only worked with the printers a few times before we left, …
We will soon embark upon our Ethiopia 2013 Prints For Prints project. Today we gathered to do a test run on our …
I have been traveling to remote corners of the world every chance I get for the last decade. The further I get …
We live in a disposable digital age. Fleeting information, swiftly passing in front of our eyes, swirling images melding into one another, …